Tegan trying to fill dad's shoes.
Tegan has been testing his boundaries (as any 2 year old does) since the day we met him and it seems to come in waves now here at home. Most of his testing is when you tell him to stop doing something. He will watch you and keeps doing it, little stinker. He's not a fan of being removed from the situation and that is "punishment" enough at this point.
He likes to help do tasks around the house. After dinner he will take his plate to the sink and will clear other things off the table if anything is left behind. We have to be careful what we leave because he will clear cups with liquids still in them. Wish the rest of our kids willingly helped like this.
His verbal skills have come a long way. He can say many words on his own, though not perfectly but that will come. He even puts two words together at times! A few of my favorite are:
- banana
- I love you - this is way cute as he will come up to me and say "mama" and I'll show him he has my attention and he will say "I love you" - oh so precious!!!
- thank you - and he uses this at appropriate times - love it!!!
- shoes on/off
- awesome - this was his daddy's doing, he started out getting him to repeat "daddy's awesome"
- huggy - when he wants a hug, the girls got him started on that one - he likes to pucker up and give kisses too.
I think Tegan still shows some reserve. I feel like he hasn't fully let go and fully attached to us yet, I know it's only been 8 weeks. Maybe I'm reading to much into it but it's mostly at bed/nap time when we snuggle them before bed, he doesn't really snuggle in and maybe that is because he doesn't know how to. He seems to be on alert and will fight falling to sleep in your arm, though he does on occasion if you sit with him long enough.
I have to add that he just did the cutest thing at breakfast. He was sitting at the table eating his cereal and daddy sat around the corner from him. Tegan said "baba" and then tapped the bench next to him, asking his daddy to sit right next to him. Oh so sweet!
So happy to read this update, too!! We are battling typical toddler behavior at our house, too. Gracie's tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants are quite impressive. And we find we're constantly second guessing ourselves when we discipline her because it's just not the same as with your bio kids who you've had all along. Or maybe it is? You are such a great mom for these boys!!