"By adopting a child and helping them reach their potential, they help us reach ours. An adopted child is not an unwanted child; to the contrary. They are a child who was searched for, prayed for, cried for, begged for; received by arms that ached, making empty hearts full. Love is meant to be shared." Author unknown

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blessings in abundance...

I received a phone call from one of our dear friends from church today stating that some of the church families wanted to hold a "baby" shower for us - my heart skipped a beat... I think WOW, how blessed are we that our church family would think so dearly of us and want to bless us on this journey.  Then the "you don't have to do that" part of me kicks in and that response comes out of my mouth.  Her response,  "but what if we WANT to". I humble myself and respond that we would be grateful.

note: I'm a "do for others" kinda person and have a hard time accepting the generosity of others - I think the Good Lord is working on me learning to humble myself to other's generosity.

After getting of the phone, the tears began.  Tears of appreciation, of realizing just how blessed we have been through this entire journey.  Blessed that my mom and aunt will take 2 week of their time to travel to China to support and assit me.  Blessed to have friends who have stepped up to care for the four children who will remain home when my husband joins me for the last week of the trip.  Blessed for a church family who has prayed many prayers for us and now reaches out even further to show their love by throwing a celebration.  And last but not least, blessed that our Heavenly Father thinks we are worthy enough to parent these precious boy.

This journey has been nothing but amazing.  There have been many twists and turns that I don't understand but I know that He has orchestrated it all for the best.  I know that the trials we have faced are all blessing in disguise.


  1. So excited to be a part of the celebration! You are a shining light of God's loving grace, and you deserve to be showered with our affections for you and your family. It's a blessing to see you getting closer and closer to bringing your boys home. Praising God!!!

  2. and P.S. If there's anything I can do to help out and make things easier for you guys over the next few months - don't hesitate to ask!


Pictures of our Journey to bring Tegan and Corban home!