"By adopting a child and helping them reach their potential, they help us reach ours. An adopted child is not an unwanted child; to the contrary. They are a child who was searched for, prayed for, cried for, begged for; received by arms that ached, making empty hearts full. Love is meant to be shared." Author unknown

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Downey Family Lifebook

Watch the video below to learn how one precious little girl rocked our world....

Downey Family Lifebook


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Tracy! And what a priceless, precious gift to your family. I'm in tears!

  2. Tears fill my eyes and drip down my cheeks with JOY for the amazing gifts that await you in Teagn and Corbin and the bounty of your hearts AND for the deeply heavy heart I have for your loss of Noel. Noel touched my life too. Your journey to her--moved me in a way I have never felt before. I don't know if God has a plan for us to adopt another child from China--but what I do know--because of your journey--is that there is HOPE for that to happen. All I can do is pray for another miracle at this point. But, I will never forget you Noel--never.

    I am overjoyed with the news of TWO new boys joining your family Tracy! It's over the top amazing!

    Praise God! He is so good!

    Beautifully written--and so touching. Thank you for sharing such a deeply personal story.

    We will add Teagan and Corbin to our prayers at night--that they will meet their Mommy and Daddy very soon!


Pictures of our Journey to bring Tegan and Corban home!